Sunday, September 20, 2015

New cables for the frame part 1

So yesterday I ran the cables in the headset and today I started to run the cables in the frame.  This is not an easy task and will need to be completed next time I am in the garage.  Let's first start with the before pictures showing the old cables at the top:

And at the bottom.

And here is a close up of the exact spot where the frame cables exit the bottom of the scooter frame in preparation for being connected to the shifter, clutch and brake.  You can see looking at this picture that unlike the 60s and 70s scooter where the cables run willy nilly inside the floorboard these cables each have a distinct channel in which they run.  For the shifter cables in particular that channel is a steel tube which runs all the way up to the headset.  And it is tight, and it turns, and it gets crusty.  In other words these cables were stuck.  STUCK in place. It took a lot of WD40 being sprayed into this tube and grease being applied to the outside of the new outer as it was being pulled in to place to get things moving.  I attached a vice grip on this end and pulled like it was nobody's business.  Finally the cable broke loose and began to slide out of the tube.  Using the copper wire trick described yesterday I was able to apply a ton of leverage as I pulled.  If it were not for that copper wire the cables themselves would have simply stretched out of shape and deformed (possibly even snapped somewhere in the middle of the tube) making life very sad.   

In the end they will all look great.  Look for a final picture in the next day or so.

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